#247: Navigating the Ethical Waters of Data and AI - Insights from NAB's Head of Privacy and Data Ethics

In this informative podcast episode, Felipe Flores speaks with Jade Haar, the Head of Privacy and Data Ethics at National Australia Bank (NAB). Jade shares her inspiring journey into the field of data ethics, driven by her passion for doing right by people and contributing to the public good.

The discussion starts by highlighting Jade's role in establishing NAB's data ethics framework, emphasizing the importance of ethical decision-making in the financial industry.

Jade tells us about NAB's Data and AI month, a series of events aimed at enhancing data literacy across the organization. Various speakers from different industries share their experiences, emphasizing the collaborative effort needed to harness the power of data and AI.

Felipe and Jade explore the ethical challenges of using scraped or publicly available data without proper attribution or consent, with a nod to emerging solutions like watermarks and AI-based safeguards. Jade discusses the importance of considering broader societal impacts, involving diverse perspectives, and conducting impact assessments to identify risks, benefits, and mitigate harms. The conversation emphasizes the need to balance speed and outcomes, exploring worst-case scenarios, and building trust through transparency and education.

This podcast episode offers valuable insights into the world of data ethics and AI, emphasizing the importance of responsible data usage, transparency, and collaboration to achieve positive societal impacts.

Enjoy the show!

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 “I think anytime someone wants to talk about ethics, always remember where did this stuff come from or what was the data that trained this model that we're thinking about and always come back to the data, how appropriate it is to be using it in the first place.”

Jade Haar, Head of Privacy and Data Ethics at National Australia Bank (NAB).


01:06 Introduction to Data Ethics and AI Ethics

01:38 Jade’s Background and Origin Story

05:11 Data Ethics Framework at NAB

16:00 Developing a Singular View of Ethics

20:24  Societal Impact and Longitudinal Impacts

28:05 Evaluating Broader Societal Impacts

36:28 Building Trust and Confidence in AI

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