#248: Navigating the Frontier of Generative AI for Business

In this episode of Data Futurology, Felipe Flores and Grant Case, Regional Vice President, Head of Sales Engineering - APJ at Dataiku delve into the realm of Generative AI and its applications in the business world. They kick off by underlining the vital role Generative AI plays in organisations, and then they explore the challenges that come along with adopting this technology.

Technical challenges take centre stage as they explore the requirements for scaling Generative AI beyond rudimentary chatbots and integrating it seamlessly into existing systems. Transitioning to the organisational aspects, they shed light on issues like the costs involved, managing APIs (which are like tools that help different software programs communicate), security concerns, ensuring transparency in AI decision-making, and the importance of careful planning for a successful implementation.

Next, they offer practical strategies for businesses considering the adoption of Generative AI. These include starting with existing legal documents, understanding the specific needs of a company, and employing methodologies to ensure a smooth implementation. The conversation also highlights the significance of proper project management and maintaining vigilance about the content generated by AI to avoid unintended consequences.

This episode provides a comprehensive perspective on the challenges and opportunities surrounding the integration of Generative AI in business contexts. Whether you're a tech enthusiast or just starting to explore this field, Grant Case's insights offer valuable guidance on how Generative AI can transform business operations. Don't miss this thought-provoking exploration of the future of AI in the corporate landscape.

Enjoy the show!

Thank you to our sponsor, Talent Insights Group

Learn more about Dataiku: https://www.dataiku.com/

Connect with Grant Case: https://www.linkedin.com/in/analyticseverywhere/

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“One of the keys for organisations, as I think about this is I always come back to second habit of highly effective people from Stephen Covey. It begins with the end in mind. If our mind is going to production, we need to be thinking broadly about all of these different factors and what are the trade offs associated with this.”

 Grant Case, Regional Vice President, Head of Sales Engineering - APJ at Dataiku


00:00 - Introduction

02:09 - Overview of Generative AI and discussion of applications and usage in enterprise settings

03:19 - Technical Barriers to Using Generative AI

05:54 - Organisational Challenges Associated with Generative AI

08:38 - Strategies for Enterprise Adoption of Generative AI

10:52 - Use Cases for Generative AI

15:38 - Discussion on structuring use cases around NLP and large language models

21:26 - The impact of generative models on marketing, finance, customer reviews, and survey analyses.

23:00 - Case Study on Productionisation of Generative AI

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