#171 Privacy-enhancing technology and data sharing at Facebook with Maggie Shi, Head of Solutions Engineering Facebook ANZ, Japan and Korea


In this day and age, preserving privacy is a fundamental requirement for maintaining the positive reputation of an organisation. There is a balance that we try to strike between sharing personal information and preserving information that is very personal and descriptive of an individual. 

In this week’s episode, we are joined by Maggie Shi, Head of Solutions Engineering Facebook ANZ, Japan and Korea. Maggie combines her 20+ years of software development, technical directing and project management experience into her current role at Facebook. She has a strong background in Java/C++ development which she has used as a foundation to lead strong technical teams.

Tune in for the full conversation where Maggie deep dives into privacy-preserving and data sharing.

Enjoy the show!

Thanks to our sponsor Talent Insights Group!

What we discussed:

07:06 Out of what you did before you joined Facebook, including being a CTO, and of your previous experience, what do you think helped you the most, for your time that you have been at Facebook and with the growth that you've had in your teams and your responsibilities? What part of your previous experience do you think prepared you?

08:52 Now you're overseeing three different countries in terms of Solutions Engineering. Can you tell us a bit more about the journey?

11:26 What did those interactions with the clients look like? What are the types of problems that they might be having?

16:07 How did the idea come around? And then how does the privacy part of the solution look like?

24:08 How do you feel about the state of where the solution is now and to what's coming next?

26:48 Why did you decide to go with the approach that you went to? What was that decision like? And what did the implementation look like?

28:02 For the customers to do the encryption on their side, is there much of a lift required for them? How much help are they needing in order to be able to get to the level?

30:43 What happened before going to GA? And what happens now that the solution is in GA, was there many types of testing being done before GA with customers? What did that look like? What were some of the areas? And then what does that look like now?

33:16 Any anything that surprised you during the testing before GA?

34:56 What are you looking forward to the most in terms of what Coming up next for the solution? What are you excited about? What are the next steps now that you're in GA?

35:56 Where can people go to find out more information?

39:12 How is the team feeling working on the solution throughout this whole time?

40:31 What type of organizations are the first adopters? Or the ones that you expect? Are the first capital of the rank using up the solution? Is it advertising companies themselves? Or is it other types of organizations?

41:14 What type of requirements sits on the client-side to be able to access this new approach? Is it essentially it? What is the technical barrier?43:17 When people go to encrypt on their own side before sharing the encrypted keys, would different organizations be using similar algorithms to encrypt or the same algorithms? Or is it up to the organization?

45:44 Do you have any advice for people that are wanting to upskill?

Maggie in her own words:

  • Our vision is to empower the empower business with technology.

  • And you go out to meet your clients every day, and you think about what is the direction I want to take this business goal, you know, and you're very, like hunger, you're looking for the opportunities, and identify the gap. And you'll build the solutions to bridge the last mile gap. And you'll build the perfect proof profile concept to start that first mile of the next opportunity. So the first mile and the last mile actually is the call of the whole.

  • So, the, like, bring the right piece of information in front of you, actually is very important, is the way we, as a human, as human beings as a civilization, we want to leverage our technology, you think about that way.

  • So we like, a couple 100 plus years, we human divided into this level. And we acquire, so like so much knowledge, and develop the technology to this level, we don't want to be the slave of the information of the data, we want to take advantage of the data and the technology.

  • I love the fact that the information being treated independently in different organizations and the outcome is able to be produced, I give people relevant recommendations and see the outcomes of the campaigns.

  • Like we want privacy preserving. And we want good recommendations. So to be able to do to do both, it's Yeah, the work the work is incredible.

  • And we have been working towards to help you understand and take control your own data.



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