#116 Navigating The COVID-19 Landscape: Changes For Data Scientists in the Job Market

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In this episode, we hear a panel discussion from Stuart Garland- Director of Blink Recruitment and Data Futurology Director & Podcast Host, Felipe Flores. With the current pandemic drastically affecting the Australian Data Science market, it can feel scary and unknown to people who are looking for a new role or career change within the industry. Felipe and Stuart shed light on the current situation, bring some positivity during these times, and help equip you to be best placed to secure your dream role.

Stuart says to think strategically about how you are going to find a new role. Candidates will put alerts on their LinkedIn about job positions that have the word “data” in it – thinking that application volume will replace quality. Internal recruiters will notice multiple applications. If you are continually putting your application out there, you are diminishing your value. Instead of the market dictating the opportunities, your application should be dictating the opportunities. Come up with a plan to target your first twelve ideal companies. Plus, this helps minimize the effort in the long-term as well. 

The more work you put in, the luckier you will get. Data scientists have an expectation to work for the coolest start-up rather than going with their gut instinct when it comes to finding a dream job. Stuart says to utilize the resources around you to make the most informed decision about where you should apply. Use your network and the people that you know to help you navigate the application process. Then, Stuart explains how to stand out in the application process. Most recruiters never look at cover letters. Therefore, you need to customize your CV for the role you are applying for. If you think that you can’t change your CV that much, then you’re probably applying for too many positions. 

Question & Answer Highlights:

Any areas that are hiring at the moment?

Health care is a big one! The government is also hiring at the moment. You also have to think about the industries that have been untouched by COVID-19. People still need utilities, internet, and cell phones. No one is recession-proof, but many companies are continuing to hire people. Retail and hospitality will kick off again eventually. Also, think about the companies that are providing services to the healthcare industry and to the government. 

 How do I navigate the barrier to entry as an international student?

Felipe says to go to the untapped market – do not apply to the big-name companies. Felipe got loads of experience by working with small to medium-sized businesses. Stuart says to leverage your CV to stand out – find connections with small businesses. Most people are open to internships. Do not ask recruiters for internships! They are not going to be incentivized to help you. Instead, go straight to the business. 

What salary can a person expect to receive in a data science role?

Stuart says there is no such thing as market rates. Even if there was, it wouldn’t be based on years of experience. It’s about how you can communicate your achievements and your value to a potential employer. Ultimately, data scientists should be able to show insights into their work and enjoy the conversation. Salaries will range from 60,000 – 200,000. The average is somewhere around 100,000 – 180,000. 

 What skillsets do organizations look for?

Stuart says organizations are looking for soft skills. You have to remember that you are up against people who have loads of technical expertise. An applicant will stand out if they have communication skills. 

Enjoy the show!

We speak about:

  • [07:30] About Stuart Garland

  • [08:40] What are the current challenges? 

  • [12:00] How can applicants make an informed decision before they apply?  

  • [18:20] How can you stand out from all the other applications? 

  • [25:00] People are not robots – they respond to human connection  

  • [28:35] Question & Answer 


Stuart’s LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/stuartgarland1

Hands-On Data Science and Python Machine Learning


  • “Find a recruiter that knows something about the data market.”

  • “Leaders are more than happy to help guide you in the application process.”

  • “Use your network.”

  • “Think about where you want to start.”

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