#161 Part 2 - Data strategy skills - the ultimate uplevel for business-focused data professionals, with Lillian Pierson

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In part two of the Ultimate Uplevel for Business-focused Data Professionals, with Lillian Pierson, we learn about her data action strategy plan. She created a data evaluation use case workbox with 31 use cases broken down by industry and function and tells us that if you are innovative then it's actually everything you could possibly need. You don't need to read 100 use cases.

Lillian says you should survey industry use cases to find what's possible. Take stock of your company, look at where the biggest gap for a data solution is, and then assess possible options against use cases. Aim for projects that will make an impact within 3 months. 

Enjoy the show!


  • “Instead of working as a data consultant, I started helping other data professionals become better data leaders and entrepreneurs.”

  • “The other advice that I would give people is to close the loop early if you're thinking about profit, if you think about revenue, then track that early, measure that early and find ways to get there as soon as possible. To get there sooner, simplify your approaches. “

  • “Instead of building an app or a dashboarding solution, sometimes PowerPoint analysis is enough to start getting some traction and to start to get an understanding of whether you are heading the right way and hitting the mark. “

  • “You get the ideas bug. Once it gets turned on, then you get too many ideas and it's really hard to stay committed.”

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